beeswax bag

Vegies Love the all New Bee-Tastic Produce Storage Bags 

We meet conscious consumers all the time — people trying to do the right thing for their health and the planet. It’s inspiring to meet others sharing our journey and we often have an ah ha moment when we realise that they are experiencing the same challenges as we are.

One of these ah ha moment came a little while ago but finding the right solution has taken a little longer.

I love shopping at my local organic farm and Mum does her weekly shop at the Murwillumbah Farmers’ Market. We are so fortunate to have access to the freshest produce  from our local farmers but just how to store that beautiful produce — plastic-free — has proven a challenge.

At first we washed and recycled old plastic bags we had accumulated over time but these expired and we decided that keeping our vegies in plastic was not good for us!

We’ve both used beeswax wraps for a long time and have adapted in many ways — wrapping bread, tucking in cheese so it is wrapped firmly, wrapping fresh produce and using the extra large for celery and silverbeet or large cos lettuce. They do a great job of keeping vegies fresh and crisp for but with busy lives we didn’t find them as convenient as a bag. My boys invariably left the carrots unwrapped!!  We knew that there had to be a better solution.

We had a light bulb moment. The solution was staring us in the face — beeswax bags! Yep you’ve got it, a beeswax wrap sewn into a bag. After a little trial and error we came up with some prototypes that we used for a while, gave to a few friends and now we have a final design ready for YOU.

These bags keep food fresh for longer (no more limp carrots – YAY), are easy to use, reusable over and over again, biodegradable at the end of their useful life and 100% plastic free.

NOW every day when I use mine (multiple times a day) I celebrate the fact that we’ve found a plastic free storage solution for our precious farm fresh produce that's easy to use. No more food waste.

For more tips on how to get the most from your reusable produce bags and which vegies need the extra care of a Bee-Tastic Beeswax Produce Storage Bag check out our free fruit and vegetable storage guide.